Sell More and make more profits with #1 eBay Repricer

Get more "Buy It Now" boxes and generate more sales with our AI-enabled repricing. Automatically sync your prices across web stores.

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“Buy It Now” box winners sell more

When people search for a product on eBay, the result lines are organized into products instead of multiple listings for the same product. This was introduced with PBSE in 2018 (Product Based Shopping Experience). If you are competing for these product lines, you are competing for the “Buy It Now” box.

Make More Sales

eBay Repricer will not only get you the "Buy It Now" box but will also be able to increase your prices whenever possible to make more profits.


Understand your Competition

See and monitor your competitors, know which of your products overlap with those of competitors and where you have opportunities to win so that you can target them and generate not only more sales but, most importantly, more profit.

Evaluate different attributes, like prices and rating of your competitors and their products. Have historical records.

One-stop solution

Ultra-fast eBay repricing to beat competitors

How fast you react to market changes determines how many sales you make. Our repricer for eBay monitors your competitors’ every move and reacts lightning fast so that you can make the sale.

How long does eBay repricing take?

How eBay Repricing works?

The eBay repricing process is event-based and not based on interval checks, which may take a lot longer than necessary. Events are generated the moment something on eBay changes, like a price change, for example. Once this event has been generated, eBay repricing starts by calculating the new price, performing safety checks, sending data to eBay, and finishing the new price update.

  • Event-driven design

  • Propagating price changes near realtime

Manage pricing across eBay and other platforms

Instantly sync your prices between inventory software, eBay and your web stores

Full automation

Source your data from inventory software, let eBay Repricer monitor market indicators and calculate the best prices which can then be replicated across multiple channels

Seamless integration

eBay Repricer allows you to apply your pricing strategy across web stores by syncing prices between eBay, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce and others

Full eBay Repricing

You can apply pricing strategies to both non-catalog and catalog items on eBay